God Body Disconnect Explores the Ephemeral Nexus Between Living and Death in "The Wanderer's Dream"


Almost as if enjoyment is derived from playing with our preconceptions, tantalizing us with promises of unexpected aural self-examination, as only God Body Disconnect can produce, that aforementioned dark ambient project has released a new album from Cryo Chamber. Not only is composer, Bruce Moallem known for the nonchalant controvertible textures of not-quite-melancholia, but perhaps the most notable is his penchant for the introspective - God Body Disconnect guides the listener through the ethereal haze of the Between - the ephemeral nexus between living and death; whereas many composers would take this opportunity to inflict dread and moribund wonders into an album of such premise, God Body Disconnect chooses a placid, seemingly insouciant approach to the intricacies of that incalculable time between the final breath and the step into the next phase of existence. 

The Wanderer’s Dream opens with the quiet lapping of water upon a shore, and whether a fan of the the composer’s or new to the genre, we are initially reminded of perhaps the shores of our consciousness, the dreamy folds of reality represented by the hazy overcast grey in the distance, and as the waters slowly recede upon the tides of gentle sound textures, we are taken once again to another plane, of quiet solitude drifting between states of being.

Bruce Moallem is adept at his craft, weaving gentle textures of ambience that act almost as waves under a raft, propelling the listener forward, but never in any discernible direction, or with any clear agenda - this album is an excellent showcase of ambient textures, giving the listener the compulsion to listen from beginning to end, as the music slowly wafts like a breeze in the background. 

God Body Disconnect always delivers an aural treat, whether in collaboration with other notable composers in the ambient scene, or constructing psychological vistas of existential questions, and the musical ebb and flow of the soundscapes show the natural inclinations of sound design of the composer. The Wanderer’s Dream is available on the Cryo Chamber Bandcamp page in CD digipak and digital formats.

Written, Produced, Performed - Bruce Moallem
Mastering - Simon Heath
Artwork - Erik Osvald
