Posts tagged doom metal
Ordo Cultem Serpentis Debut "Derej Najash", a Cavernous Exposition of Death Doom Inspiration

Signal Rex presents a debut album from Ordo Cultem Serpentis titled, Derej Najash, a tenebrous, slow, methodical journey through blasted plains of a dying land, into the labyrinthine caverns of ancient temples, faced with the gnawing dread of fathomless, unknown celestial gods whose existential realizations would drive one mad.

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PROMETHEUS Delivers A Cyclopean Death Doom Opus

…a cosmic hellscape of relentlessly oppressive guitars, expansive and pummeling drums, and guttural vocals channeling the miasma of a desolate canyon in the blackest pits of an interdimensional tomb… fans of bands such as Portal and Immolation should feel right at home… Prometheus delivers wholly original soundscapes… The music is dirty, dismal, and masterfully constructed - it is the music of the Cyclopes

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The Wizar'd Cast An Arcane Assault of Metal Magic With Subterranean Exile

The incantations of Australia’s The Wizar’d have held listeners spellbound since their inception in 2004. Established by guitarist/vocalist ‘Ol Rusty, the band would summon several singles and demos before calling forth the EP Follow the Wizard in 2006. Two years later, The Wizar’d released the first full-length album Infernal Wizardry. From 2010s Pathway into Darkness to the ritualistically revered Ancient Tome of Arcane Knowledge, the Australian Archmages have managed to manifest a mystic and doom-laden discography.

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