The Wizar'd Cast An Arcane Assault of Metal Magic With Subterranean Exile


The incantations of Australia’s The Wizar’d have held listeners spellbound since their inception in 2004. Established by guitarist/vocalist ‘Ol Rusty, the band would summon several singles and demos before calling forth the EP Follow the Wizard in 2006. Two years later, The Wizar’d released the first full-length album Infernal Wizardry. From 2010s Pathway into Darkness to the ritualistically revered Ancient Tome of Arcane Knowledge, the Australian Archmages have managed to manifest a mystic and doom-laden discography.

Under cavernous skies, the procession of phantoms marched forward to the impending release of what may be an early contender for album of the year in Subterranean Exile. With bassist Blackie, drummer Maniac Frodsham, and the Master of the Night wielding the ax and conjoining with the eldritch cries of ‘Ol Rusty, The Wizar’d have assembled, cloaked and cursed, atop the doom metal peak once traversed by the likes of Pagan Altar and Witchfinder General.

Subterranean Exile opens with the title track. I am of the belief that if you don’t absolutely BRING IT on your title track, why should I care? That’s not to say the title track has to be the best song or my personal favorite, but it needs to accurately encompass the mood of the album. The Wizar’d put any early worries to rest with a creepy, crunchy intro riff into the subterranean realm. By the time the condemned chants of channeler Rusty kick in, the fellas have you star-crossed.

The second track tells a tale of magical retribution. In ‘Wizard’s Revenge’, the ire of the titular sorcerer reverberates through the spectral slicing of the opening the notes. The curse of the conjurer continues and perfectly leads into the arcane anthem ‘Master of The Night’. It’s hard for me to choose my favorite aspect of this work of art, the instant-classic riff or the cryptically-crafted lyrics. In my opinion, this song is the best showing of the band’s otherworldly talents. I’ll have to decide to either headbang or sing along until I learn how to do both.

The Wizard.jpg

The album is split by the haunting instrumental interlude ‘Ecstatic Visions Held Within The Monastic Tower’ before smoothly seeping into the phantasmal psalm ‘Long Live The Dead’. The second half is equally as impressive as the first with ‘Evil In My Heart’ and ‘Dark Fortress’. I’ve probably listened to this release four or five times through in the last two days. With a perfect mix, tone, and vocals reminiscent of the legendary Mark “The Shark” Shelton, Subterranean Exile is here to fulfil your heathen hunger.

This easily gets a 9/10 on the Madness Meter!

Subterranean Exile is out April 24th via Cruz Del Sur Music!

The Wizar’d Bandcamp:
The Wizar’d Facebook:
Cruz Del Sur Music website:

And you can check out our interview with their fellow Cruz Del Sur artists Smoulder here!