Posts tagged I
Mare Cognitum Returns with a Brilliant, Terrestrial Epic

The music is somber, introspective, still evocative of a “Great Beyond” from previous Mare Cognitum albums, yet there is an urgency to these compositions, a moribund tether that continues to guide the listener forward.

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The Mysterious -S- Offers A Meditative Journey Through the Experience of Killing Time

The enigmatic band, -S- has crafted a compelling EP of what the band itself deems to be dark, occult funk. The title of the EP, Zabijanie Czasu, roughly translated as “The Killing of Time”, represents the first part of a planned trilogy devoted to the notion of Time.

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PROMETHEUS Delivers A Cyclopean Death Doom Opus

…a cosmic hellscape of relentlessly oppressive guitars, expansive and pummeling drums, and guttural vocals channeling the miasma of a desolate canyon in the blackest pits of an interdimensional tomb… fans of bands such as Portal and Immolation should feel right at home… Prometheus delivers wholly original soundscapes… The music is dirty, dismal, and masterfully constructed - it is the music of the Cyclopes

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At the Altar of the Horned God Displays Kinetic Purpose on "Through Doors of Midnight"

Conceived, and performed by sole member Heolstor (Mystagos) with help from guest female vocalist, Maya, "Through Doors of Midnight" is a ritualistic centerpiece of artistic endeavor; seven hymns of invocation and introspective spellweaving, and an evocation of sound design and aesthetic presentation. Combine this with a delicate mix (provided by Simón Alvar (The Empty Hall Studios) and artwork by Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule, and it is a demonstration of artistic poise and purpose.

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