Posts tagged death metal
Immolation Brings Forth Fire and Brimstone in ACTS OF GOD

After five years the ring of salt around Yonkers, New York has been broken and the flames of hell are seeping back into a changed world. 2017 was the last time death metal four-piece Immolation cast their blistering curse on mortal ears.

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Ordo Cultem Serpentis Debut "Derej Najash", a Cavernous Exposition of Death Doom Inspiration

Signal Rex presents a debut album from Ordo Cultem Serpentis titled, Derej Najash, a tenebrous, slow, methodical journey through blasted plains of a dying land, into the labyrinthine caverns of ancient temples, faced with the gnawing dread of fathomless, unknown celestial gods whose existential realizations would drive one mad.

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PROMETHEUS Delivers A Cyclopean Death Doom Opus

…a cosmic hellscape of relentlessly oppressive guitars, expansive and pummeling drums, and guttural vocals channeling the miasma of a desolate canyon in the blackest pits of an interdimensional tomb… fans of bands such as Portal and Immolation should feel right at home… Prometheus delivers wholly original soundscapes… The music is dirty, dismal, and masterfully constructed - it is the music of the Cyclopes

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Crawl Before The Crypts of the Undead as Serpentis Commands Withered Flesh To Arise

Withered Flesh Arise is the latest ritualistic offering from the altar of Obsidian Relic Records. The Lords of Seregost call forth from the crypt— Serpentis! To begin this crawl into the cemetery, the listener is beckoned beyond by the haunting haze, the chilling calm before the sacrilegious storm that is Walking Among Corpses. The wrought iron gates whisper their tale on the wind. The cold kiss of the grave festers a certain fear. The fear of familiarity. Your wishes for revulsion are replaced by a righteous reverie for the rot. You’re unnerved by your very nature as your toes cling to the touch of the damp soil. Longing to dance with the lich, you proceed to the Crypts of the Undead.

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Bestial, Bludgeoning, Blasting Blasphemy: Hegemony's "Enthroned by Persecution"

I find myself growing pickier and pickier when it comes to Death Metal as I get older. The genre has, undoubtedly, produced more than its share of classic releases: Altars of Madness, Onward to Golgotha, Close to a World Below and None So Vile are where my preferences lie. I will never be able to get into the over-produced, sterile exercises in musical masturbation that make up a lot of the modern Death Metal scene, however.

Luckily, I don’t have to clear that hurdle with Hegemony’s Enthroned by Persecution. Available April 24th on Hell’s Headbangers, it’s a raw, bludgeoning, filthy mess of an album that manages to be a breath of fresh air while simultaneously calling back to genre greats in a manner that isn’t just flat-out aping the source material.

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