The Depths of Finality, by God Body Disconnect - A Gentle, Personal Reckoning with Mortality


Introspection is often used in reference to Dark Ambient, certainly with the artists in the Cryo Chamber roster, however, the artistry behind God Body Disconnect is introspection - every theme and narrative in the albums taking upon themselves a personal invective of the artist, and the newest release, The Depths of Finality take this to even more personal vistas. 

Bruce M., the artist behind God Body Disconnect, has already shown a deft hand at issuing personal narrative soundscapes with his previous albums, and The Depths of Finality fits right with those releases, only building more of the personality and intimacy with it. This sees more direct use of field recordings, not merely suggestive sounds and wafting ambiance, but a complex texture of pads, while directly impressing upon the listener the journey that is to be told. As with previous God Body Disconnect albums, The Depths of Finality explores the inner canvas of the mind, more specifically, the composer's, as this is a personal tale dealing with illness, and the gnawing presence of Fate.

This is an album of discovering mortality, the waxing and waning of the breath of life, and of coming to terms with one's own life... and possibly terminus. Accompanying the interspersed field recordings, lending the mindscape to the locales of a hospital ward, are the fleeting sounds of past memories, and the gentle caress of pads. There is no immediate danger to these sounds, rather, the uncaring drift of the timeless.

The meanings to this collection of music are far more personal to the artist than I could ever hope to describe, and it is with respect to him that I will let his own words detail the album: 

"God Body Disconnect has always served as my outlet for personal introspection. It’s a place where I can uncover my deepest emotions and face the inner demons I’ve been too afraid to confront in my life. I’ve often used my own recorded voice in the music to help guide both myself and listeners through these difficult inner workings. From the weary and cryptic words on Dredge Portals and Sleepers Fate, to the grief-stricken monologue on The Mist Between Mirrors, I’ve come to rely on their importance to the music. But last year when I became sick again, and had death sitting on my shoulders, something changed in me. I found that I couldn’t comfortably channel these feelings from behind a microphone. Maybe it was all a bitter reminder of the hospitals, or the pain of watching my body fail. But I had to face the real possibility of my end, and then somehow find a way to make peace with that. I’ve always strived to be honest with my music, and this album is my attempt to tell that truth. I no longer need to hide from pain. I know death is real, and while I still may fear the unknown, I’ve planted the seed of peace because of it. - Bruce"

Intimate and graceful, with a gentle melancholy, The Depths of Finality by God Body Disconnect shows the artist displaying his own personal transoms of mortal reckoning, while also delivering a peaceful listening journey; a much-needed respite for those who enjoy relaxing ambience.

The Depths of Finality by God Body Disconnect releases September 8, 2020, and is available on the Cryo Chamber Bandcamp page in digital and CD Digipak.


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