Onirik's Latest Conjuration Brings Forth A Fevered Vision Of A Metaphysical Hellscape


Onirik’s 5th album, “The Fire Cult Beyond Eternity” can be best described as a feverish descent into nightmare-inducing black metal conjured forth by Onirik’s creator Gonius Rex. Every album since the first full length “Songs for the Apocalypse” has continued to evolve in complexity and design, with the latest being a near-perfect creation from beginning to end.

The album’s opening track, “Cult Beyond Eternity”, begins with a wall of nearly relentless black metal that coalesces into an inhuman hymn of distant nightmares of the subconscious. The subsequent tracks lead the listener into an experimental album that instantly changes from the traditional threads of infernal black metal to a hypnotic and provocative album that could easily stand beside such juggernauts as Deathspell Omega and Mispyrming in terms of its complexity and transcending pace throughout the album.

There is a remarkable quality to this album that is further reinforced by its occult themes and dissonant melodies. Each track seems to almost act as an individual evocation for certain spirits and subconscious thoughts that hold the listener in thrall throughout the entirety of the album. The vocals are a significant highlight of the album as there is an almost trance-like quality to how the vocals are delivered throughout. Highlights to this album track-wise include “Assigned to The Inexorable Flames” and “Murmurs of The Aging Vessel”. Without a doubt, this is one of the most surprising releases this year in terms of quality and sheer brilliance. 

Gonius Rex’s latest creation is projected to new heights with guest members Dirge Rep (Enslaved, Gehenna, Orcustrus) on drums and Semjaza (Thy Darkened Shade) crafting ambient soundscapes that further capture the listener into the hellish landscape of the album. The flames of this apocalyptic cult further fan the intensity in each track, culminating in the final track “Apathy of Might”. The album can only be truly appreciated by listening to it from beginning to end. The fire cult beckons you to listen to its final sermon delivered at the edge of eternity.

Onirik’s 5th album “The Fire Cult Beyond Eternity” releases September 25th, 2020 on I, Voidhanger Records. You can preorder the album now from the label’s Bandcamp page. The album can be pre-ordered digitally, as a limited 12” LP vinyl (100 Transparent Red/Black, 100 Black), and as a limited 300 copy CD edition.

1. Cult Beyond Eternity (6:15)
2. Trapped in Flesh, Blood, and Dirt (4:35)
3. Assigned to the Inexorable Flames (9:00)
4. Melodies of Reflections and Praise (7:32)
5. Granted the Vision, Molded into Stone (6:18)
6. Murmurs of the Aging Vessel (6:47)

7. Apathy of Might (5:32)

Total Time 42:49

Gonius Rex: composition, guitars, bass, vocals, and choirs
Dirge Rep (drums) and Semjaza (ambient)

Mixed and mastered by Semjaza at Sitra Ahra Studio

- 12"LP, Ltd 200
- Compact Disc, Ltd 300
- Digital Album




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