Posts tagged dungeon synth review
Fledgling Dungeon Synth Project Ghulin Mines Classic Tones On "Otherneath"

The vaults are opening again. Wrought Records is coming back with an artisan batch of freshly forged releases and I’ve had the pleasure of early access to one of these shining gems. Midwestern newcomer Ghulin will be releasing their debut release Otherneath on cassette and digital August 22nd.

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Medhelan's "Nocturnal Wanderings" Offers a Solitary Trip To The Space Between Worlds

“What we can see is just a small part of reality... there's a whole invisible world existing along with our 'real' world, and there are places where the fine line between them becomes blurred until it dissolves.”

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The IXth Key Unlocks "Rusty Chainmail" On Wrought Records

It’s that time again, friends. Check your inventory, equip yourself well, and come into the dungeon with me. Wrought Records has once again put a key into my hand and bid me a safe journey. So, let's light our torches and see what the IXth Key will unlock on June 29th.

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Erythrite Throne and Seregost Perform A Sacrilegious Ritual Upon Once Holy Ground

If you’re a fan of modern dungeon synth then you likely know both Erythrite Throne and Seregost. Over the past couple of years, they’ve released consistently strong content with original voices that rise above the rest. They both wowed with amazing sets at Northeast Dungeon Siege MMXX this year. Now, they’ve joined forces for a split release that keeps the legacy of underground camaraderie alive. Obsidian Relic Records is set to release A Sacrilegious Ritual Upon Once Holy Ground on May 1st.

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