Erythrite Throne and Seregost Perform A Sacrilegious Ritual Upon Once Holy Ground


If you’re a fan of modern dungeon synth then you likely know both Erythrite Throne and Seregost. Over the past couple of years, they’ve released consistently strong content with original voices that rise above the rest. They both wowed with amazing sets at Northeast Dungeon Siege MMXX this year. Now, they’ve joined forces for a split release that keeps the legacy of underground camaraderie alive. Obsidian Relic Records is set to release A Sacrilegious Ritual Upon Once Holy Ground on May 1st.

First off, we’re greeted by yet another excellent cover piece by Artem Astaroth, a name that I am growing fond of seeing attached to excellent pieces of music. His vile, yet undeniably bad-ass pen and ink work is nostalgic for the classic age of fantasy art and still wholly modern and original. A perfect companion to the top-of-the-genre music that we find in this split.  


Erythrite Throne begins this stygian crawl with some beautiful, retro tones on “Lies From The Serpent’s Tongue” that are as bittersweet as they are menacing. The fangs are truly bared on the war march of “Staring Into The Eye Of The Deathmoon” (what a fucking title!) before sinking back into somber, flute woven atmospheres on “Beheading The King Of Nagoth”. I was prepared to say that track three was my favorite of the Erythrite Throne side, but our wampyric spectre saved the best for last. “Through The Withered Forest, Where Dead Trees Sing…” is a flooring example of Erythrite Throne’s evolving, signature blend of symphonic black dungeon ambience and tortured vocal stylings. Powerful and poetic, this track is a sanguine pleasure.


On the album's cover, which I have already lauded, we find the ancient, lich-like vampire beneath Erythrite Throne’s logo juxtaposed by a hulking, helmeted warlord beneath Seregost’s. In true form Seregost swaggers in, plate armor creaking with chunky, bold synth lines. Where Erythrite Throne is robed in rotted finery, Seregost is crowned in black iron. Don’t let the bravado fool you though, there is an intelligence and thoughtfulness to the composition.

“A Heathen Temple Under Blackened Skies” is wreathed in delicate keys and “Altars Of Malevolent Praise” resounds in foul triumph. Then we come to “Invocation Of The Vampyric Sacrament”. Friends, I was excited enough to hear yet another artist experimenting with vocals in a dungeon synth track. (I think it works well and the classic stuff is littered with vocal work.) But, goddamn, does Seregost go for the throat with this track. His skill is shown off here in a big way. I don’t want to ruin what’s waiting for you. Just go listen for yourself, but believe me when I say that it had me in awe. Seregost rounds off his side with the choral lament of “Dwelling In The Glory Of The Black Light”. A fitting end to the dark pilgrimage this album takes the listener on. 

I can say already that this is certainly an early entry on my list for best of 2020. Do yourself a favor and pick this up as fast as possible. This is an easy 10/10 on the Madness Meter. The tape drops from Obsidian Relic Records on May 1st!

Obsidian Relic:

Erythrite Throne:


Read more on Monsters, Madness and Magic: Erythrite Throne Performs Analog Necromancy In The Age Of Medieval Sorcery