Posts tagged Wrought Records
Fledgling Dungeon Synth Project Ghulin Mines Classic Tones On "Otherneath"

The vaults are opening again. Wrought Records is coming back with an artisan batch of freshly forged releases and I’ve had the pleasure of early access to one of these shining gems. Midwestern newcomer Ghulin will be releasing their debut release Otherneath on cassette and digital August 22nd.

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Medhelan's "Nocturnal Wanderings" Offers a Solitary Trip To The Space Between Worlds

“What we can see is just a small part of reality... there's a whole invisible world existing along with our 'real' world, and there are places where the fine line between them becomes blurred until it dissolves.”

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The IXth Key Unlocks "Rusty Chainmail" On Wrought Records

It’s that time again, friends. Check your inventory, equip yourself well, and come into the dungeon with me. Wrought Records has once again put a key into my hand and bid me a safe journey. So, let's light our torches and see what the IXth Key will unlock on June 29th.

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Eldritch Wizardry Goes Bravely Where None Dare Venture

There are hidden gems in every corner of the dungeon synth realm. Artists that plug away and build impressive little bodies of work with their own unified style and flavor. One such artist is Eldritch Wizardry who, high in their tower, bent over scrolls and tomes, quill in hand, is now releasing their third full length on Wrought Records. On June 5th they will unveil “Where None Dare Venture”.

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Illuminator's In Ictu Oculi Draws Timely Parallels From The Medieval Age

With quarantine in effect and the outside world a fearful prospect, many of us have been practicing a solitary, hermetic lifestyle as of late. Luckily, our brethren at Wrought Records have just the soundtrack you need to don a robe, cast your worldly ways aside, and settle into a life of introspective isolation. On May 30th they will bestow upon us the debut release of Texas-based Dungeon Synth neophyte Illuminator. TItled In Ictu Oculi, and inspired by the artist’s fascination with medieval Christianity, this album is an exercise in capturing the stillness, repetition, and perhaps epiphany of the monastic lifestyle.

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Cefaris and Wrought Records Invite You To Worship Under The Serpent Moon

Through dealings surely conducted under the rattling limbs of dead forests, contracts signed by what little moonlight the cloud cover would allow, Wrought Records is preparing a dark offering to it’s supplicants. On May 7th Cefaris’ third album, the second of 2020, will be released on cassette and digital. Less of a project and more of an entity to be reviled, or perhaps worshipped, Cefaris is true occult dungeon synth, so cloaked in black midnight that it almost hides the tinge of blood that coats it. Cefaris is, at its heart, a pure exploration of vampiric motifs.

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