Eldritch Wizardry Goes Bravely Where None Dare Venture


There are hidden gems in every corner of the dungeon synth realm. Artists that plug away and build impressive little bodies of work with their own unified style and flavor. One such artist is Eldritch Wizardry who, high in their tower, bent over scrolls and tomes, quill in hand, is now releasing their third full length on Wrought Records. On June 5th they will unveil “Where None Dare Venture”.

First, we have to talk about this beautiful cover from artist Roy Ris. Completely stunning inkwork that sets the tone for this trek into realms of old school D&D adventure. You can catch more of Roy Ris’ art on the upcoming release from fellow Wrought Records alumni GORBAG. This layout is also top-notch. I’ll admit, I’m a sucker for the ancient-tome stylings for J-card design. My favorite dungeon synth cover is probably the original “More True Than Time Thought” design from the legendary Hedge Wizard. I just don’t think you can go wrong and I’m sold on this instantly. So let’s blow off the dust, crack the spine, and see what the Wizard has to offer us on their third foray.


A subdued prologue opens the album and leads into “Chapter 1: Beckoned By The Western Wind” which might be one of the closest things to a catchy pop song you’re likely to get in the dungeon synth field. There’s a peppy brightness to this track and a familiarity to the melody that immediately pulls you into the journey that this album wants to take you on. The following tracks bring us back to more standard dungeon synth fare, but that’s not to disparage the work. These tracks are perfectly executed and full of narrative strength. I am particularly fond of “Chapter III: A Shrouded Island Lies Ahead” which builds a selective blend of old and new school elements, at once offering the compositional alacrity of Fief and the sorrow-swept atmospheres of Depressive Silence. We delve into darker territory on tracks five and six, as we reach the climax of our tale. “Chapter V: Spectral Company Of The Swallowed Hold” is particularly enjoyable with it’s droning, sinister synths and crescendo of menacing percussion. Our final track, “Chapter V: Vast Labyrinthine Halls” brings us home on a somber, resolute note and hearkens back to the retro, fantasy film vibes that introduced the album. This leads into the final moments of the upbeat, rousing, and utterly grin-inducing epilogue that bids our perilous journey farewell. A fitting end to a journey you will immediately want to embark on again. Flip that tape one more time. No one will judge!

As a piece of musical narrative, this album works remarkably well. On the Bandcamp page you will find some wonderful flavor text concerning a forbidden island and it’s terrible curse. Just a taste, just enough of a synopsis to whet your imagination and paint a rich fantasy world as you jump from track to track. I think the songwriting here is fantastic. It’s just layered enough to be interesting and rest on its own ability; not too ornate and not too minimal. My only wish is that these tracks had a little more breathing room. This album clocks in at a brief twenty-seven minutes and could easily have been longer. This is probably a personal preference as it’s one I find myself considering with a lot of albums. Sometimes, you just want to ruminate in a song a little longer. Nonetheless, I can’t fault this album on much. It’s a perfect example of modern fantasy ambient done well and it’s a very fun listen.

This gets a 7/10 on the madness meter.

To grab a copy, traverse to Wrought Record’s page on June 5th. This will be released digitally and in a special cassette box set along with Eldritch Wizardry’s two prior albums, which I highly recommend as well. And don’t forget, Bandcamp waives its fees on the 5th so artists will be able to collect the full revenue from all sales. Not a bad time to dig deep into the Wrought Records catalog and the dungeon synth genre tag. Just watch out for traps and the occasional troll.

Read more within the Museum of Macabre Media on Monsters, Madness and Magic: Becky Exacts Bloody Revenge on June 5th