Explorative Meditations in Isolation - A Quarantine Dark Ambient Musing by Caustic Reverie

Caustic Reverie's newest droning ambient offering is an explorative meditation on isolation. The first half of the year has seen the planet shuttering its windows - lockdowns and quarantines occurring on a global scale, and composer Bryn Schurman found himself home, with naught but his synthesizers to keep his mind occupied. 


"The Flooded Assembly" appeals to me more as a narrative of emotion rather than exposition - almost a mental snapshot of quarantined thought. Each song has a solid point, a theme to convey, but much like a person locked within their own thoughts, subtle shifts in the mind can cause one to lose focus, or to be suddenly overcome with strange emotions seeming unbidden; the human mind becomes accustomed to its confines, about to compartmentalize the isolation, thereby finding the time to briefly reason with other emotions and imagination.

Tension gives way to relaxation; trepidation gives way to optimism, then quickly wilts to doubt, all drifting along a timeless cadence of emptiness, and these nuances are interspersed throughout the music, evoking unease, pleasing calm, optimistic wonder - a shifting cycle of mood.

The Flooded Assembly is a collection of human thought processes, of emotion, put to purpose while maintaining the firmament of reason and rationalizing one's place in this new world of solitude, unease, fear and wonder. 

These nine tracks of introspective drone will be available on Bandcamp, iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, and other digital platforms on June 5, 2020. You can also find Caustic Reverie on Facebook


Read more within the Museum of Macabre Media on Monsters, Madness and Magic here: Beyond the Ghost Releases an Exemplary Introspective Journey