Posts tagged Werwolf Records
Socially Distance Yourself Permanently With Shitfucker's "Sex With Dead Body"

Do you spend your nights hunched over a computer, hunting eBay for the missing pieces of your serial killer trading card collection? (Eclipse put these out in the 90s. Look it up.) Do you feel at home in the seedy, debauched world of say, William Lustig’s Maniac (1980)? Then have I got a piece of sonic sleaze for you. I’m talking about Shitfucker’s Sex With Dead Body. What a fucking sentence.

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The True Werwolf Releases a Black Metal Showcase of Heathen Fury

There is a delicate balance to black metal, a dichotomous dance of traditionalism and exploration - of maintaining the old, and yet exploring new horizons. Such an introduction may seem pompous, yet this is the very nature that I would use to describe The True Werwolf, and certainly the new full-length offering from Hell's Headbangers, The True Werwolf's "Devil Crisis". Having a decade-spanning career in underground prominence, the artist known as Graf Werwolf (Satanic Warmaster / Horna) is no stranger to this very methodology, and in fact, is one of the mainstays in the underground black metal presentation.

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