NATHR is a Purposeful Dolorum of Ancient Black Metal and Dark Ambience


NATHR began in 2020 as an idea between musical projects Nathas and Northr. Nathr is formed as an amalgamation, a melding of two similar styles, yet blended together to form a colossal monument of doom metal and ambience, released on Signal Rex.

Heavy guitars and the compressed-yet-spacious mix of the guitars add a hypnotic element to the slow melodies of the doom-laden musical expanse. The approach is almost a black metal approach, yet with the style and sensibilities of doom metal, providing a dream-like, languorous ambulance to the songs. The crushing weight of the guitars is slowly ushered to the background of the soundscapes as slight pianos and ambience interspersed within the oppressive girth of the musical funeral gait.

It is with a slow, methodical march to which this album propels - a purposeful dolorum of chilling winds and ambience carried on the back of the gargantuan doom metal beast, and as stated by the artists themselves, “Simmering and shadowy, exhibiting no small amount of tension and yet also a paradoxically relaxing meditativeness...slowly trace ingredients of ancient black metal and funer(e)al doom. No hope, no light, but opening myriad portals before the listener...”

NATHR - Beinarúga is available via Signal Rex in digital, cassette, and CD digipak on Bandcamp


NATHR lineup:

Northr (Dutch) - guitars, bass, synths, soundscapes

Nathas (Italian) - vocals and lyrics

Ond (Norwegian) - drums

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Read more within the Museum of Macabre Media here.