Mount Shrine and Alphaxone Deliver an Introspective Concept of Spiritual and Cerebral Inflection


Cryo Chamber's newest release gives us a joining of two colossal figures in the dark ambient scene. Mount Shrine is no stranger to evoking sonic landscapes, and now that musical project has teamed with Alphaxone, a master at issuing cosmic grandeur in atmospheric pads - the artists have coalesced their talents into a collaboration showing the vistas of the dreamscape; an introspective concept album of cerebral and spiritual inflection titled, Dream Chambers.

Dream Chambers begins with an unsettling dissonance - not in a malicious way, rather, striking an expectant tone, whereupon the analog swells approach the ears, a resounding anticipation, that something awe-inspiring draws near. The songs are a journey through the dreamscape, the psyche, and the traveler’s (listener’s) imagination sets the mood, be that encouraging memories, spectres of dangers unseen, even psychic malevolence that seeks to devour the wanderer, or perhaps the bittersweet recollection of loved ones - it is the narrative of the blank slate, the exact sort of unclassified genre, a mood, that sets the tone(s) of this multi-timbral work of art, a true sonic soundscape painting the fleeting effigies of that unreachable plane we only touch for brief moments. A parallel intersection of thought that occurs only for brief moments, then gone; our only view the fleeting moments through our transoms, and never to visit that particular plane of reality again.

The album is almost languid, yet subtly shifting in scope and perspective with each new pad or injected field recording. Even better than the painted allegory that I could provide, I shall add the album description as given by the creators, themselves: 

"Here in the sacred recesses of the mind rests the never ending palace, where reality and dreams meet. Where rivers of trauma cleanse dirty drains. Where damp hallways and underpasses run through great libraries filled with every thought and emotion that has come to pass. Where the ancient gatekeepers protect the sacred grounds with swords of fire as dark tendrils slither their way towards the core of innocence."

Dream Chambers, by Mount Shrine & Alphaxone is available now in digital and CD digipack on the Cryo Chamber Bandcamp page.


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