Mindwarden Brings us Sedative Distraction from the Dystopia

Cryo Chamber begins 2022 with the debut release of Timeless, by label newcomer Mindwarden. Immediately, the soft piano tones of this escapism transport the user to a relaxed mental vista of serenity. The piano tunes are carefully laced with field recordings and pads in the background, giving this album a soothing timbre, while the precis provides a bitter, grim backdrop for our imaginations - dreamy mosaics of massive skyscrapers looming into a cloudless night sky, painted dull hues with the lambent neon pollution of the cities below, whose population’s only escape is through narcotic.

These are hypnotic tracks - a soundscape of soothing pads, washing over the mind while various background sounds help fill in the transom of the periphery, delivering a calming serenity to the songs. The tracks blend well with each other, giving this album a feeling of fluidity and cohesion - as you drift along the waves of soothing pads, it becomes difficult to note the end of one track with the beginning of another, and from the narrative description of Timeless it would seem that is precisely the goal of the composer. 

Whom better to describe the synopsis of the album than the composer? And to that end, here follows the description for Timeless as given on the Bandcamp page:

“The raindrops slither on the window like translucent snakes. Refracted palpitations from the high-rise outside throw glittering light into the murk of your apartment. You down two tabs of hypodust as you exit the double-bolted door. The apartment building lies silent but for the faint piano notes spilling down from the penthouse far above. Most inhabitants are long gone since the Arcology went bankrupt. The hallway lies dark—another blackout, since no one services the building anymore. Time moves slow in the skeletal interior. Where once dreams were projected onto reality, the only dreams worth living now are of the sleeping kind. And so the hypodust hits, breaking you out of one slumber, only to cast you into another.”

Soothing and introspective, the relaxing nature of this album is a welcome addition to the Cryo Chamber discography, and you can pick up Timeless in CD Digipak and digital format on the Cryo Chamber Bandcamp page.